So last weekend, Sunday to be exact, I went down to LA (with friends) to see the taping of The Osbournes newest TV adventure. It's a Variety type show. We were the first audience. It was supposed to take 2 hours. We were there a couple more. I think the only saving point was the end of the show when Ozzy shot this foam stuff at the audience. I got a teeny bit on my shoe. Oh and I got a cupcake because well....if you watch the show (don't know when it'll be on) you'll see why. The guy that passed out the cupcakes had eyes on his back (his very buff/tan back). My gut says the show will not last.
Before we went to the show we discovered The Grove. Most awesome "mall" ever. I put mall in loose terms because it's not enclosed. All the stores are separated and you walk down the street. It's lovely.
Life is life is life. I work and work and go home and zone. Sad pathetic me.
11 December 2008
01 November 2008
21 October 2008
now I'm one of those people
who start a blog and then just sort of leave it. I didn't mean to let that happen. I'm in a life slump. A big life slump. I think that's the best way to describe it. I'm trying to be positive but sometimes it's hard. I just feel like I'm floating along and I don't want to just float along. How do you stop floating along?
I'm going to look into going to CSU, Sacramento for a degree in education. What happened to nursing you say?! Well.....I'd have to reinvent the wheel and honestly I've already had a lot of experience in the education field. Focus on the little ones. I so prefer them over the older ones.
I need to find a way out
one breath/step at a time.
I'm going to look into going to CSU, Sacramento for a degree in education. What happened to nursing you say?! Well.....I'd have to reinvent the wheel and honestly I've already had a lot of experience in the education field. Focus on the little ones. I so prefer them over the older ones.
I need to find a way out
one breath/step at a time.
25 September 2008
Bank and other musings
So my bank, WAMU, had to be rescued by JP Morgan and Chase. Supposedly the transition is going to be smooth. I'm not so sure about the economy these days. Just so long as my money is there....that's all I ask.
I'm not that much of a political person, but I know that what's going on is of great concern. What a time to live in. Loans to pay, credit cards to pay, banks having to be rescued. And to top it all off a presidential campaign.
In other news work is going all right. 90 kids. 90! It's a lot of kids. We've got a rotating schedule though (thanks to me) and I think that's helped.
Life is still kicking me from behind right now. I'm just not sure which way to turn.
I need to find my groove. Get involved with more. Things that I find joy in. It's all about time management. And I need to get my license. Got my permit, have driven once. I need someone pushing me to get things done since apparently I have no drive right now.
Where do you find your drive?
I sound pathetic don't I. At least I realize it. That means I can do something about it.
just hope my money is still in the bank tomorrow (crossing my fingers)
I'm not that much of a political person, but I know that what's going on is of great concern. What a time to live in. Loans to pay, credit cards to pay, banks having to be rescued. And to top it all off a presidential campaign.
In other news work is going all right. 90 kids. 90! It's a lot of kids. We've got a rotating schedule though (thanks to me) and I think that's helped.
Life is still kicking me from behind right now. I'm just not sure which way to turn.
I need to find my groove. Get involved with more. Things that I find joy in. It's all about time management. And I need to get my license. Got my permit, have driven once. I need someone pushing me to get things done since apparently I have no drive right now.
Where do you find your drive?
I sound pathetic don't I. At least I realize it. That means I can do something about it.
just hope my money is still in the bank tomorrow (crossing my fingers)
15 September 2008
beginning of the second week of work. It's super crazy. Far too many kids, not enough staff. The reality of things starts settling in. Parents and their position on things (esp. if they have trouble kids). Co-workers and the way the function. The kids and what their about. At least I'm slowly learning names. Another reality: weve got just about 80 kids in our program, there's a school that has 12. That's a huge difference. How does that happen I wonder.
On other topics...I've realized having internet is dangerous. I'm here all of the time, doing nothing. Just looking here and there. It's dangerous. It was probably a good thing that for the past 2 years I didn't have the internet at my fingertips.
I'm tired and probably should go to bed...must brush teeth first. Can't sleep without doing that.
I miss having a door.
On other topics...I've realized having internet is dangerous. I'm here all of the time, doing nothing. Just looking here and there. It's dangerous. It was probably a good thing that for the past 2 years I didn't have the internet at my fingertips.
I'm tired and probably should go to bed...must brush teeth first. Can't sleep without doing that.
I miss having a door.
11 September 2008
Last night I drove for the first time....and I didn't kill anyone or run into anything. Yay. I didn't go that far, but least I drove. I just scheduled an appointment with someone who does driver training though it's not until Oct 4. No flip flops. I was wearing them last night and I couldn't feel what I was doing.
So yeah, 26 and finally driving (kind of)
Is it friday yet?
So yeah, 26 and finally driving (kind of)
Is it friday yet?
10 September 2008
09 September 2008
Work so far
it's organized yet unorganized chaos. It's only been 2 days so I have to give it more time. The kids are all over. K though 6th grade so it's a wide range. I instantly knew the trouble makers...or rather the ones who I'm going to have to figure out how to handle. Though, handle isn't the right word. Alter how I work with them is better. I'll have a better assessment at the end of the week.
Randomness: Have you ever watched bizarre foods? The things he eats blow my mind. I was excited that I tried escargot. Yeah. This guy eats some pretty out there things. I'm not sure I could do it.
Randomness: Have you ever watched bizarre foods? The things he eats blow my mind. I was excited that I tried escargot. Yeah. This guy eats some pretty out there things. I'm not sure I could do it.
06 September 2008
Monday I re-enter the work force. This also means I start making money again. Whoo-hoo! I gain a small portion of my independence again. It's very exciting. I'll have money in a checking and savings account again.
02 September 2008
Life Vent
It throws curve balls now and again. You do things and think to yourself "Was that the right decision?" That's how I'm feeling about moving back to Cali. I don't fully regret the move but It's been a hard transition. 3 months to find a job, the loss of some independence, and no real friends in the area. Everything isn't horrible. I guess I'm just not where I thought I would be. You know how you have those plans for yourself. I'm nowhere near that. And I know things change, life changes, people change and you have to roll with those changes. But even so....this is not the place I thought I'd be at 26.
hmmm.....I think it boils down to pointing myself in a new direction and following the path that leads me to happiness.
hmmm.....I think it boils down to pointing myself in a new direction and following the path that leads me to happiness.
27 August 2008
It took 3 months but I finally got a job. Good thing I'm living at home otherwise I'd be having some major issues considering I've only got about $100 to my name. I don't have a start date and it's only 25 hours per week but I'm super excited. On my way back to some sort of independence. Whoo-hoo
26 August 2008
isn't there a magic word
That can unpack all of my crap. Yeah, I'm still complaining about unpacking. I've started with my room. So much stuff, so little room. It's hard going from a full apartment to just a bedroom.
And I still haven't heard about that job.
And I still haven't heard about that job.
We've moved into our new home. It's actually an addition of someone else's home. So I sort of feel like a permanent house guest, especially since I have no key. It's a disaster and I hate unpacking. We don't have a lot of storage space so I've got to figure out where to put things. Not enjoyable but I've got to do it (obviously).
I still have no job. Sort of frustrating
I want to travel and I can't afford it.
I still have no job. Sort of frustrating
I want to travel and I can't afford it.
17 August 2008
Where I've Been
Family Reunion 2008 August 1 through August 10
Joseph Stewart Camp Ground, 30 min north of Shady Cove Oregon
Joseph Stewart Camp Ground, 30 min north of Shady Cove Oregon
Left Thursday July 31 11pm, Arrived August 1 2008 5pm
18 hours to get there.
1 hour of shut eye in 26 hours.
Happy Anniversary Lynn and Jerry!
Lounged around on Saturday
Took a bike ride Sunday
River Rafting Monday -
Saw Dinosaurs and Sharks and
Tried not to wake the trolls
Went to the lake on Tuesday and asked
What color is the lake Tabby? Brown! Jayme and I say ewe
Fell and hurt myself on Wednesday
But went and saw Crater Lake anyways
River Rafting once again on Thursday
Lost an oar this time, almost lost Grandma too
Listened to the thunder rumble that evening
Ran for shelter from the rain and hail
Lounging at the lake on Friday
Supposed to leave at noon on Saturday
7 hours later we were on the road
Alternator needed fixing
Got home around 12:30 in the afternoon
My bed never felt so good
18 hours to get there.
1 hour of shut eye in 26 hours.
Happy Anniversary Lynn and Jerry!
Lounged around on Saturday
Took a bike ride Sunday
River Rafting Monday -
Saw Dinosaurs and Sharks and
Tried not to wake the trolls
Went to the lake on Tuesday and asked
What color is the lake Tabby? Brown! Jayme and I say ewe
Fell and hurt myself on Wednesday
But went and saw Crater Lake anyways
River Rafting once again on Thursday
Lost an oar this time, almost lost Grandma too
Listened to the thunder rumble that evening
Ran for shelter from the rain and hail
Lounging at the lake on Friday
Supposed to leave at noon on Saturday
7 hours later we were on the road
Alternator needed fixing
Got home around 12:30 in the afternoon
My bed never felt so good
It was a good trip. Though, being back has made reality hit hard: Need to pack up for the move, Have to find a job. Things have been frustrating on the job/life front. I wonder if I made a mistake moving back from bflo.
Here are a couple of pics: The first one is from Crater Lake and the second is of The Rogue Waterfall
25 July 2008
soon i'll be...
26 years old and I finally got my permit.
Amazing. I missed 3 of the 6 that I could. The girl at the DMV was impressed (and friendly)
Now I just have to find somebody to teach me.
I'm scared.
26 years old and I finally got my permit.
Amazing. I missed 3 of the 6 that I could. The girl at the DMV was impressed (and friendly)
Now I just have to find somebody to teach me.
I'm scared.
15 July 2008
So on Sunday I turned 26.
I'm feeling less and less accomplished as the months go on.
Especially when people I know are successful with work and love.
Mom and I saw Ragtime at PCPA and had a nice dinner (we were the only two patrons until almost the end of our meal). It ended with a piece of chocolate cake and happy birthday sung by the waitress and 4 guys who worked there. The night ended with ice cream from ColdStone with Steph. And because Santa Maria shuts down around 8pm on Sundays....that's all we did.
This week is VBS at my church. It's going to be a long week.
a few weeks ago mom and I visited my grandpa. He'll be 86 at the end of this month and is in home, but he told us the secret of a long life.
you ready?
yup, that's the secret. Participate in what's going on around you.
So my goal is to start participating more. I want to be able to look back and know I lived to the fullest.
I'm feeling less and less accomplished as the months go on.
Especially when people I know are successful with work and love.
Mom and I saw Ragtime at PCPA and had a nice dinner (we were the only two patrons until almost the end of our meal). It ended with a piece of chocolate cake and happy birthday sung by the waitress and 4 guys who worked there. The night ended with ice cream from ColdStone with Steph. And because Santa Maria shuts down around 8pm on Sundays....that's all we did.
This week is VBS at my church. It's going to be a long week.
a few weeks ago mom and I visited my grandpa. He'll be 86 at the end of this month and is in home, but he told us the secret of a long life.
you ready?
yup, that's the secret. Participate in what's going on around you.
So my goal is to start participating more. I want to be able to look back and know I lived to the fullest.
11 July 2008
Welcome to the Death Train
This is as good a place as any to share the story of my trip to LA on Thursday July 3
I took the train. I love taking the train...usually
But alas, this trip was not fantastical.
My train, the 784, hit a car.
That's not the worst.....we killed somebody.
I'll Share the link with you
It's a very removed feeling, knowing that the vehicle I was in killed a person but I didn't see anything (thank goodness) and I didn't feel anything but the brakes go on.
For the next few stops, anytime somebody came on the train I wanted to say "Welcome to the Death Train." Horrible I know.
The rest of the trip was much better. And the best thing was seeing Wicked.
It was glorious. That might not even be the word.

I took the train. I love taking the train...usually
But alas, this trip was not fantastical.
My train, the 784, hit a car.
That's not the worst.....we killed somebody.
I'll Share the link with you
It's a very removed feeling, knowing that the vehicle I was in killed a person but I didn't see anything (thank goodness) and I didn't feel anything but the brakes go on.
For the next few stops, anytime somebody came on the train I wanted to say "Welcome to the Death Train." Horrible I know.
The rest of the trip was much better. And the best thing was seeing Wicked.
It was glorious. That might not even be the word.
Picture proof of me at Pantages Theatre. I haven't seen a vast amount of Broadway plays, but this one is at the top of the list.
The trip home was without incident. Thankfully.
I still love taking the train, but let me tell ya a 4 hour delay because your train hit and killed somebody (and injured another) sucks.
Hello World
Hi there, welcome.
I make no promises or guarantees.
I'm new to bare with me
(speaking to you as much as I'm speaking to me)
Santa Maria born and raised, what else is there to say?
I'm not sure right now, but I know that I'll think of more.
That's the point though isn't it.
I make no promises or guarantees.
I'm new to bare with me
(speaking to you as much as I'm speaking to me)
Santa Maria born and raised, what else is there to say?
I'm not sure right now, but I know that I'll think of more.
That's the point though isn't it.
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