Family and Friends:
Next June is Mom’s (Robin’s) 60th birthday. I have a favor to ask of you.
I would like to present my mom with a scrapbook that is full of memories and well wishes from the people who she loves and who love her. I know June 2010 seems like it’s pretty far away, but it will take time for me to put the book together.
If you would like to send something please keep it to a note/picture that will fit on a 12x12 scrapbook page. If you have a lot to say or to include just let me know that you might need 2 pages. If you don’t want to send original pictures, feel free to send color copies.
I hope that you will help me make my mom’s 60th birthday really memorable.
Email me and I'll get you my mailing address if you don't already have it.
If you’re savvy you can scan your pictures and email them to me.
I would like to get everything from everybody by the end of this year, February at the latest so that I have enough time to put the book together so that it looks good.
I look forward to your contribution
25 July 2009
22 July 2009
Weekend-ness...and other musings...
So this past weekend was close to rivaling the previous weekend.
Renn Faire on Saturday in Slo was so much fun. And thankfully it wasn't
horribly hot. Plus the knight we were cheering for during the Queens Joust
was awesomely funny. He was pretty amazing during the joust. I need to google him to get his name (he's the captain of the US Jousting Team....who knew that existed?!?)
Saturday night was Joan Jett at the fair. It was a pretty darn good concert. Thankfully not as cold as Boyz II Men (who I saw thurs night).
Sunday was Harry Potter....yeah, it was awesome (I need a new word). Yes it has its obvious sad moment but I laughed out loud, more than once.
This week has been dragging....I realized monday night, as I was making flowers for a friend that a week ago on monday at that time I was driving home from LA. I think I need 3 day weekends all of the time. I've been tired every day this week.
I need to join a gym but I'm afraid my money will just go to waste.'s ugliness, but at least I know that I'm lazy. that's the first step right?!
Back to renn faire-ness...Pirate Festival in September, be there or be square? hmm...must think of a better comparison something more pirate like. I think I want to dress up for it.
14 July 2009
July 10 through the 13
PCPA always does an outstanding job. It was a fun evening with mom and Diane
and the moon looked amazing.
Saturday July 11 was the Charles Paddock Zoo with Jayme and the girls. The fun started before we left. Jayme closed the door with keys inside. So that involved sending girls in through windows......yeah. lets just say we got the keys and were on our way. It was Hot! But there happened to be an ice cream social happening that evening at the zoo. It was fun. All the ice cream you can eat....which is super dangerous for an ice cream lover. At least I knew my limit. It was a fun time and that zoo is seriously small.
Monday July 13 was the big celebration day....I turned 27, and I did so at The Magic Kingdom. I got up to the ticket booth and pulled out my "golden ticket" and the lady said "Birthday?!" to which I said "Yup" I got a button that said Happy Birthday and went on my way. I've never had so many people tell me Happy Birthday in my entire life. It was so much fun. I arrived at the park at 10am and by 11:30 I had ridden Indiana Jones, Jungle Cruise, Haunted Mansion, and The Columbia River Boat. 4 rides in an hour and a half.....awesome. It was very worth being there all by myself.
It was a great 4 days. And now I am 27...what to do with myself?
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