11 July 2008

Welcome to the Death Train

This is as good a place as any to share the story of my trip to LA on Thursday July 3
I took the train. I love taking the train...usually
But alas, this trip was not fantastical.
My train, the 784, hit a car.
That's not the worst.....we killed somebody.

I'll Share the link with you

It's a very removed feeling, knowing that the vehicle I was in killed a person but I didn't see anything (thank goodness) and I didn't feel anything but the brakes go on.
For the next few stops, anytime somebody came on the train I wanted to say "Welcome to the Death Train." Horrible I know.

The rest of the trip was much better. And the best thing was seeing Wicked.
It was glorious. That might not even be the word.

Picture proof of me at Pantages Theatre. I haven't seen a vast amount of Broadway plays, but this one is at the top of the list.

The trip home was without incident. Thankfully.

I still love taking the train, but let me tell ya a 4 hour delay because your train hit and killed somebody (and injured another) sucks.

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