03 March 2013

Inspiration from the Mouths of Others.

I've come across these two quotes the past couple of days.
They both really spoke to me.
So I'm sharing them with you - whomever you are.

You should leave a comment and let me know who you are/where you're visiting from.

I hope that you find inspiration in your life this week.

“When you come to the edge of all the light you 

know,and are about to step off into the 

darkness of the unknown,

FAITH is knowing one 

of two things will happen: 

There will be something solid to stand on 

or you will be taught how to fly.”

This quote is either by Barbara J Winter or Patrick Overton. 

And then there's this one...I don't know if it has an author. If the internet proves to be correct - the author is unknown.

An arrow can only be shot by 

pulling it backwards. So when life

 is dragging you back with

 difficulties, it means that it's

 going to launch you into

 something great.

So just focus, and keep aiming.

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