03 March 2013

The 5 Things That Make Me Most Happy Right Now (Question #5)

5. The freedom to express myself
4. My wonderful friends
3. Roller Derby and the amazing community that I’ve found through it.
2. My mom - the love and support she gives me - always.
1. The knowledge that tomorrow is a new day and I get to start fresh.

5- I get to use this blog, facebook, my voice to express myself and my feelings. I think that's pretty rad. And in the process I get a better knowledge of who I am. Even more rad.

4 - The people who have entered my life since I moved to Portland are all amazingly wonderful. I am thankful for every interaction I have with them.
Epic Cartoon II By Keary Ortiz 

3 - I'm not sure what I would be doing with my life if I didn't have derby. And I certainly wouldn't have all the amazing friends if I hadn't gotten myself involved in a big ass league.

2 - My mom - she's the most supportive and loving and I never tell her often enough that I love her. Nor do I call her or write her often enough. Must make better connections with her.

1 - No really - deep breath. New Day. I am always thankful to wake up and face whatever lies ahead of me.

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