04 January 2013

Smoothie Harmony

Since the beginning of the school year (august-ish) I've been making myself a smoothie for breakfast.  I've calculated the points but as I was not really doing weight watchers at that point I didn't add them all together or pay much attention.  I make them in a large mason jar, which my blender blade/base will screw onto.  It's really very convenient because after smoothie is made (I try to make them in the evening so everything can meld together) I screw on the mason jar lid and I'm ready to go.

My smoothie this morning was 11 points+. My smoothie yesterday was 12 points+
I took away the peanut butter and used the whole serving of whey protein (I had only been using half).
Part of it is the 3 point yogurt.  I have a ton of yogurt that I need to use.  So for now, high point value yogurt!
Also - the pureed sweet potato. That alone is 2 points+.  Once I use it all up I'll switch over to pumpkin which has 0 points+

So what my morning smoothie will look like:

Non-Dairy milk (right now it's coconut milk, but when I shopped at TJ's yesterday, they had none - so I picked up almond milk) = 1-2 points +
Yogurt (4-6 oz) = 2-3 points+
Pumpkin = 0 points+
Banana/Apple = 0 points+
Frozen Fruit = 0 points+
Spinach/Kale/Chard = 0 points+   (this is a bag mix from TJ's)
Ground Flax Meal = 2 points+  (Bob's Red Mill)
Whey/Soy Protein = 2 points + (Whey Protein is Bob's Red Mill.  The Soy Protein I purchased at TJ's and will start using when the Whey Protein is gone)

If I add together the highest point values plus all others that takes me down to a 9 points+ smoothie with a ton of protein (7 points+ if I can use only 4 oz of my liquid and find a 2 point+ yogurt)
I go for a lot of protein because I drink my breakfast between 7:30 and 7:45 and don't get lunch until 12:30/12:45.  I work with busy special needs middle schoolers and I have to be able to last with what I have for breakfast.

My WW meeting took me down to 30 Daily Points from 31.  That's only one point - but that's less things I can eat that have a point value.  So if I can get my smoothie down in points but keep it filling - I'm on the right track.  Plus, it gets me 2 servings of veggies and 2.5 servings of fruit.

I use a scale to weigh everything.  It's probably the best purchase I've made to help me with my weight loss journey.  It's nothing fancy.  It is electronic and will zero out, which is handy dandy.  I even use it when I'm eating crackers.  I don't trust the number of crackers per serving that they tell you - instead I weigh out the gram amount.  Sometimes you get less, sometimes you get more.  Either way - it's been so very amazingly helpful, especially in smoothie making.

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