24 January 2013

Weigh In - Week 4

Not answering any of those list questions just yet.
Figured I'd do my weekly weigh in.

.8 pounds lost this week.
Tiny movement in the right direction.
But I'll take it!

I really do like the meeting I chose to go to.
It's full of a lot of lovely people (mostly ladies).
And my leader - she's so real people!
She talked to us about how she ended up at Krispy Kreme on Sunday and ate 5 donuts.


or in Weight Watchers talk: 130 points plus worth of donuts.

I know what I did wrong this week and what to do to make it better - well, for the most part.

Onto the new week and loosing more of this unhealthy weight.

-As a side note - I've been doing my darndest to plan ahead.  Last week worked out much better.  I think I just liked my food choices way more.  This weekend I have to do some searching to find a tasty lunch/dinner.  It's pretty much the best way for me to survive the week - same meal planned out for each lunch and dinner Monday-Thursday.  Friday I try to switch it up.  Take something different to work.  Otherwise I get bored.
I also have to figure out how to manage the weekend.

So much to learn.  Good thing I've got my whole life to figure it all out.

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