11 January 2013

Weight Loss Excuses

I have a bunch of excuses.
Reasons why this week I lost but 1 little pound.

Don't get me wrong - I am happy I managed to loose.
A loss of any size is movement in the right direction.

My sister and her husband were here and we ate out.
I did a horrible job at tracking.
I went back to work and it was stressful.
Aunt Flo was visiting and well, she made me eat things that I didn't really need.

A bunch of excuses.

I am down a total of 3 pounds.
That's three pounds less of me taking up your space.
And for that, you are welcome.

At my meeting on Thursday I stayed for the after session.
I like the leader - she's sassy and quick witted.
The group is a good group of ladies - many of whom attended the same meeting I went to the first time I joined WW.
I decided to purchase the 360 kit.  In it there is a measuring tape.  Of which, I plan on using this weekend.
I plan on doing a lot this weekend.
Reevaluating how I am getting in my fruits and veggies.
Planning out my exercise routine.
Making a few goals.

It's the only way that I'm going to make this happen.  And I'm doing it for me.
Knowing some of the crap my mom is going through right now - health things, a lot of them due to her weight - inspires me to Not want to have to deal with it all when I'm in my 60's, or even younger.  I already battle with achy joints. And I know when I lost weight the last time, some of that went away.

My mantra for this week: I am strong.

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